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Running With Rifles - необычная инди-игра в 3D прорисовке с видом сверху, на которую многие геймеры мира покладают немалые надежды. Это своеобразный тактический 3D-Action. В игре преследуем с мощными винтовками плохих и даже хороших, кто из них кто - решать вам. Основной вашей задачей остается отвоевывание территорий, где нужно нападать на контрольные точки врага, вести тактические бои. Игровой мир очень реалистичный, вы услышите даже топот ног и треск ломаемых сучьев, а по земле ложится густой туман и наступает закат / рассвет.
gameplay: support for multiple grenade types added
gameplay: blasts support character death and stun modes
gameplay: inventory system revamped with backpack (extra carry slots) and stash (persistent item storage); access it by holding down pickup key, tapping pickup key still functions same as ever
gameplay: weapon racks are now interacted through inventory system
characters: stunned state added
grenades: stun grenades added
support-items: riot shield added
weapons: bug in handling rotation while setting the weapon direction fixed
online: hosting online game over the battle ending and restart should no longer reset host player name to empty
metagame: metagame interface with named pipes now usable on Windows too, basically allows inputting commands into and receiving status reports from the game externally, single player as well
metagame: status query command added, can be used to retrieve status info about factions, bases, characters, vehicles, player
metagame: new status report events about vehicle destroy / theft, base capture, comms state change, chat message
modding: most of grenade throw parameters exposed
modding: weapon shield attachment support added
modding: weapons can control whether they allow prone or not
modding: weapons can now more thoroughly define the character animation for walking, crouching, running
map5: changed slightly
ai: vehicle combat logic added
ai: entering vehicle distributes seats among the squad now, rather than every squad member racing for the best seat
gameplay: last base capture timer bug fixed
gameplay: reload animation made a bit longer
gameplay: possibility to split the squad to foot and vehicle subsquads (command modifier + jump), separate command targets
weapons: mp5 nerfed
weapons: weapons with blast projectiles are now shot to ground at target rather than over the ground like regular bullets
weapons: a bug in bullet projectile voxel mesh loading fixed
rewards: destroying enemy vehicles increases xp
rewards: kill combo achievements gives xp rewards, to be expanded in later versions to other achievements
notifications: player driving over another player with a vehicle now properly announced over network